Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Something's missing...

Oh Yeah - My Teeth!!

I got my wisdom teeth pulled out today. you know, it wasn't that bad - the actual pulling them out of my head - the worse part was actually getting the shot that would make me not feel any pain. That hurt a lot. "A lot" is 2 words, not one. Other than that, the worst of it was the cracking noise.

I was shaking terribly though, and I think that i permanently stained the pits of my favorite white shirt b/c i was sweating so bad. (it says "bean town lover" on it, an unbirthday present from Jillie). The doctor kept having to remind me to breath, anyone could tell I was nervous.

In the end it was kinda sad to look over at the tray and just see my teeth sitting there, all sad, seperated, alone, (and bloodied). I wonder what they're going to do with them? Maybe they use them to make some one elses dentures? I should have put a tracking device on one of them. It might end up in some dumpster in Brazil. At least my tooth will get to see the world.

Johnny's here to baby and take care of me too! I'm kinda milking it- he's out running errands for me at the moment. :p He's been marvelous in all this though- It's amazing that he still wants to even look at me, no less kiss me- despite the fact that my face looks like I was a recent victim of a stroke. I just wish he'd stop trying to get me to talk to him, my mouth is stuffed with gauze, i look like a chipmunk, and it's difficult to keep myself from drooling as it is without having to open my mouth.

So yeah, not that bad, hardly painful, and once Johnny get's back with my prescription of Vicodin, well, I bet everything will be alright.

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