Monday, February 23, 2009

Money - that's what I want

I've lost it. I've come to find that shopping is the equivalent of on-line porn for me. I get on a site for Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe- and I just. can't. stop. I have to look at every dress on the page. Same with rings. One day, I spent hours looking at diamond rings on-line. I really do think that i have a problem.

However, I might as well show you what I found. Today's selection comes from none other than Victoria's Secret. (Do your best to ignore the mass amounts of cleavage and annoying, posed faces...and I don't think I'd be able to be on the beach as much either. haha

I think that this one is my favorite.

I'd also have to get a hat to go with this one.

I thought that this one would be nice for like, a summer evening or something. Don't worry, it comes in different colors - otherwise I don't think that I'd like it.

I've been noticing that a lot of these models look like movie//tv stars. The first one looked like Kiera Knightly. This one kind of looks like Courtney Cox.
umm... I wonder if she's happy or in pain?

You know - just in case i'm picking flowers in Venice.I kinda liked the colors on this one...but I don't think I have the boobs to be able to fill it out.

I'd have to be careful with this one, or I'll end up looking like a dumb, dazed Phelicity.

It's only a matter of time before the shark gets her. But at least she has cute buttons on her dress!

So yeah, that was my collection for the day. I'm not even going to tell you the prices for most of these dresses. At least I can say that they were under $100! There were actually a few more that I liked, but I really just felt embarrased for the girls in the pictures, so i decided not to post them.... Ok. that's enough for today. i should try and get SOME homework done before work.


Act II: Donielle attempts to re-instate her will to blog.

In the spirit of the coming Spring, I've decided to maybe try and blog again. Most of it will be menial stuff like :today i did this, and then Christina was all like, NAH, and so I was all like NEH, and then Jillie was like NU-AH. But for Spanish class I have to look up information again sexual images in movies, so maybe that can be my wholesome-doing-good-for-the-world contribution to the blog.

Jillie and I are going to go make soup b/c I had a dream about soup last night. SO we have to go to the grocery store to get vegetables, and then we're going to go out for lunch. I HOPE WE GO TO NOODLES AND COMPANY!!!

In the spirit of spending money - look what I want:

My mom said that it was too mauve - but that doesn't make since to me. It's under $30 dollars too, which to me has be a reasonable price lately.
Ok. off to the store, the grocery store.