Another boy told me I looked nice today. Score one for me.
Other than that, I'm feeling kind of abandoned... and cold - (but that's mostly because people keep opening the door and letting cold air in.) I always forget how sensitive I am.
I'm not ready for Spring Semester to start...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Since you been gone... *another Dear Jillie,*
Clever title, eh? I bet it would make a really good song.
Dear Jillie,
This are the things I have to say that pertain to "since you been gone." You might already know some of these.
1. I read your blog 98% more than I used to.
2. Johnny and I got into a relationship defining fight.
3. I hurt my arm holding up Johnny when we finally went ice-skating. It was his first time.
4. I have been on my computer twice as much as you ever were when you were here.
5. I learned how to play Winter Song on my gee-tar.
6. I spend Saturdays in your room watching made for T.V. movies - by the way, I saw Another Cinderella Story yesterday, maybe it was because I was alone, but i didn't think it was as good as you made it out to be.
7. Totally jealous of your new blog look - you'll have to show me how you did that.
8. I use the interjection "Dude" tons more than any normal societal person should.
9. Despite my shut-in Saturdays, I have become more extroverted.
10. Christina has gotten upset with me for not living with her, only to tell me that she'll probably live with her suite mates in a house.
11. I meet a new person every day.
12. I got Johnny to decide to spend $70 on me for an outfit that he helped me pick out at express. I'M FINALLY GETTING A PENCIL SKIRT!!
13. Old Navy went out of business.
14. I grew up... sorta.
15. I discovered that Ingrid Michaelson has two other albums out, one which just came out in October.
16. I met Cloud and he told Johnny that I'm gorgeous. I met him through Scott, who thinks I'm cute. (I hope no one has to sit behind me in the movies because my head may be to big to see over. haha)
17. I get twice as nervous around boys than I used in particular.
And that's a good portion of that.
And now a list of artists that I would put an my fantasy playlist that I would title "Girls Rock"
1. Katy Perry (Just "Hot and Cold")
2. Ingrid Michealson (and her new songs "Winter Song" and "Be Ok")
3. Kate Nash
4. Meiko
5. Tegan and Sara
6. The Dollyrots
7. A Fine Frenzy
8. Sara Bareilles (*you only get 1 song too, unless you count the one with Ingrid*)
9. Jayman
10. Feist
ok, Lily Allen, you can come too, but try and narrow it down a bit with the F-Bomb, and bring the Hush Sound with you.
And that's about it for now, i guess. I think I'll go clean my room or something now... I'm very alone.
Dear Jillie,
This are the things I have to say that pertain to "since you been gone." You might already know some of these.
1. I read your blog 98% more than I used to.
2. Johnny and I got into a relationship defining fight.
3. I hurt my arm holding up Johnny when we finally went ice-skating. It was his first time.
4. I have been on my computer twice as much as you ever were when you were here.
5. I learned how to play Winter Song on my gee-tar.
6. I spend Saturdays in your room watching made for T.V. movies - by the way, I saw Another Cinderella Story yesterday, maybe it was because I was alone, but i didn't think it was as good as you made it out to be.
7. Totally jealous of your new blog look - you'll have to show me how you did that.
8. I use the interjection "Dude" tons more than any normal societal person should.
9. Despite my shut-in Saturdays, I have become more extroverted.
10. Christina has gotten upset with me for not living with her, only to tell me that she'll probably live with her suite mates in a house.
11. I meet a new person every day.
12. I got Johnny to decide to spend $70 on me for an outfit that he helped me pick out at express. I'M FINALLY GETTING A PENCIL SKIRT!!
13. Old Navy went out of business.
14. I grew up... sorta.
15. I discovered that Ingrid Michaelson has two other albums out, one which just came out in October.
16. I met Cloud and he told Johnny that I'm gorgeous. I met him through Scott, who thinks I'm cute. (I hope no one has to sit behind me in the movies because my head may be to big to see over. haha)
17. I get twice as nervous around boys than I used in particular.
And that's a good portion of that.
And now a list of artists that I would put an my fantasy playlist that I would title "Girls Rock"
1. Katy Perry (Just "Hot and Cold")
2. Ingrid Michealson (and her new songs "Winter Song" and "Be Ok")
3. Kate Nash
4. Meiko
5. Tegan and Sara
6. The Dollyrots
7. A Fine Frenzy
8. Sara Bareilles (*you only get 1 song too, unless you count the one with Ingrid*)
9. Jayman
10. Feist
ok, Lily Allen, you can come too, but try and narrow it down a bit with the F-Bomb, and bring the Hush Sound with you.
And that's about it for now, i guess. I think I'll go clean my room or something now... I'm very alone.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dear Taylor Swift
I'm sorry. I spoke rashly and harshly. You can sing your stupid Love Story any time you want - I'm happy again so it's ok.
Thank You to everyone who heard me rant, and who worried about me and Johnny, even though it might not have seemed like you were doing much, you were really doing a lot. Thank you for your support and prayers, you were really helpful. I love you all.
P.S. So, I have Morocco down as my location - and it's definitely not true, but some person or organization is now following my blog - and i checked them out and they have some pretty disturbing war pictures... i wish i could read the languages it was in.
Thank You to everyone who heard me rant, and who worried about me and Johnny, even though it might not have seemed like you were doing much, you were really doing a lot. Thank you for your support and prayers, you were really helpful. I love you all.
P.S. So, I have Morocco down as my location - and it's definitely not true, but some person or organization is now following my blog - and i checked them out and they have some pretty disturbing war pictures... i wish i could read the languages it was in.
I swear to Bob - if I hear the flippin' taylor swift song 1 more time .!!!
This was not originally going to be titled that but then the song came on just as I clicked in the Title box... - and i'm not having great relationship times and therefore it's only natural to take it out on Taylor Swift and Target for running her clothes line.
At this point, I'm sitting in my room, (trying to digest my food as fast as I can because I ate too much and it's hurting my belly but this is expected on Chili day), waiting for Johnny to call me and tell me. We're supposed to talk tonight, but I don't know if he's going to keep to that - but we need to talk. The bottom line is that he hurt me (emotionally), and he is not taking it as seriously as I think he should. I refuse to put myself through another whiney, immature relationship in which I have to baby the man. I won't do it again.
I'm very sad. I'm sad for me. I'm sad for my friends, Naja and Josie, and I feel like I'm being a damper on my friends here at college because of my mood - and that is the exact opposite of who I ever want to be.
I wish I could be happy again like I was yesterday with Scott and Cloud. If Johnny is the one who loves me, then shouldn't he be the one making me happy? I don't even know what I did wrong. or if I did anything wrong. I feel like it's going to be a very emotional night, which is why I didn't wear mascara.
I hate waiting...
At this point, I'm sitting in my room, (trying to digest my food as fast as I can because I ate too much and it's hurting my belly but this is expected on Chili day), waiting for Johnny to call me and tell me. We're supposed to talk tonight, but I don't know if he's going to keep to that - but we need to talk. The bottom line is that he hurt me (emotionally), and he is not taking it as seriously as I think he should. I refuse to put myself through another whiney, immature relationship in which I have to baby the man. I won't do it again.
I'm very sad. I'm sad for me. I'm sad for my friends, Naja and Josie, and I feel like I'm being a damper on my friends here at college because of my mood - and that is the exact opposite of who I ever want to be.
I wish I could be happy again like I was yesterday with Scott and Cloud. If Johnny is the one who loves me, then shouldn't he be the one making me happy? I don't even know what I did wrong. or if I did anything wrong. I feel like it's going to be a very emotional night, which is why I didn't wear mascara.
I hate waiting...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I, Donielle, shall now attempt....
Drum Roll Please. *cue drum roll*
bloody hey - that's really frustrating
Drum Roll Please. *cue drum roll*
bloody hey - that's really frustrating
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dear Jillie
I have called you three times and have left 2 messages on your phone... where are you? I miss you?
Seperate Post (sorta):
Watched the Godfather today for the first time ever! Holy Kiz-ow that movie is long! Don't ever watch a movie with Karis that he's already seen - he tells you EVERYTHING that's going to happen before it happens. Even after I told him to not talk anymore I still knew when something was going to happen because he begin to clear his throught and cough a lot. And do that jazz finger thing under his chin that he does - what is up with that? Still, i'm proud i made it through that whole movie in one sitting. Johnny wasn't too happy about it though, (he wanted to leave and i didn't catch on, guess how that ended) * - and Christina went to sleep.
Johnny acts different around people - just realizing this - I've never actually hung out with him with girls that he knows and I don't... it was different not being the sole female focus of his attention.
Well, I'm tired and Johnny is on the phone now. Later.
Seperate Post (sorta):
Watched the Godfather today for the first time ever! Holy Kiz-ow that movie is long! Don't ever watch a movie with Karis that he's already seen - he tells you EVERYTHING that's going to happen before it happens. Even after I told him to not talk anymore I still knew when something was going to happen because he begin to clear his throught and cough a lot. And do that jazz finger thing under his chin that he does - what is up with that? Still, i'm proud i made it through that whole movie in one sitting. Johnny wasn't too happy about it though, (he wanted to leave and i didn't catch on, guess how that ended) * - and Christina went to sleep.
Johnny acts different around people - just realizing this - I've never actually hung out with him with girls that he knows and I don't... it was different not being the sole female focus of his attention.
Well, I'm tired and Johnny is on the phone now. Later.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So you know what really bugs me? A: News reporters criticizing our President's farewell address. Honestly people, the man's just saying good-bye. I hate to see what you do when your family doesn't meet your farewell standards.
Doni's #1 fear for the day: That she's prejudice.
Doni's #2 fear for the day: That talking baby on the cell phone commercials.
Congrats to the Hudson Heroes, way to save lives.
One thing I learned from High School: Never bring anything small and valuable, like a class ring, to the beach - and if you do, don't set it on a blanket in the sand.
I would also like to apologize to all the people I directly made fun of in Elementary School and Junior High, Rainbow, Darren, Stefanie Smith- I'm really sorry and I regret it. I hope that you were somehow able to forgive me throughout your life.
Thank you to everyone who has made my life bearable, you know who you are- and no, you're not being vain if you're thinking you're a part of that list - if you're reading this and you know me then you probably are one of them.
A big thanks to God for making a beautiful world full of beautiful people and beautiful everything.
thank you to movie producers who still try to show some self-respect by not loading their films with sex- I'm sorry that some of you were not quite able to fight the populace, and sold out. I know it's hard not to because everyone else is doing it, but you can try again next time.
Thank you to Bosley for staying alive.
Thanks to God again for the Tower of Babel and making languages to learn.
Thank you to whoever made my mattress because I can't wait to go to sleep later on tonight.
Doni's #1 fear for the day: That she's prejudice.
Doni's #2 fear for the day: That talking baby on the cell phone commercials.
Congrats to the Hudson Heroes, way to save lives.
One thing I learned from High School: Never bring anything small and valuable, like a class ring, to the beach - and if you do, don't set it on a blanket in the sand.
I would also like to apologize to all the people I directly made fun of in Elementary School and Junior High, Rainbow, Darren, Stefanie Smith- I'm really sorry and I regret it. I hope that you were somehow able to forgive me throughout your life.
Thank you to everyone who has made my life bearable, you know who you are- and no, you're not being vain if you're thinking you're a part of that list - if you're reading this and you know me then you probably are one of them.
A big thanks to God for making a beautiful world full of beautiful people and beautiful everything.
thank you to movie producers who still try to show some self-respect by not loading their films with sex- I'm sorry that some of you were not quite able to fight the populace, and sold out. I know it's hard not to because everyone else is doing it, but you can try again next time.
Thank you to Bosley for staying alive.
Thanks to God again for the Tower of Babel and making languages to learn.
Thank you to whoever made my mattress because I can't wait to go to sleep later on tonight.
Monday, January 12, 2009
So a quick up-date on all the past stuff:
-I didn't get the dress from AE b/c they don't know how to make clothes
-Still not over Kartik.
-We never went ice skating - instead we went to a hotel restaurant and all ordered desserts (Christina's strawberry, peach torte was the best - i hade creme brulee for the first time and was sick with sweet- Karis finished what the other 7 of us couldn't)
-I ended up going to Aaron's room to watch a MST film called SideHackers. Laughed. My. BUTT. Right Off
-I strongly suggest that everyone checks out these rocks - excuse me, Decorative Minerals, some of them are pretty unseemly.
long address
-I didn't get the dress from AE b/c they don't know how to make clothes
-Still not over Kartik.
-We never went ice skating - instead we went to a hotel restaurant and all ordered desserts (Christina's strawberry, peach torte was the best - i hade creme brulee for the first time and was sick with sweet- Karis finished what the other 7 of us couldn't)
-I ended up going to Aaron's room to watch a MST film called SideHackers. Laughed. My. BUTT. Right Off
-I strongly suggest that everyone checks out these rocks - excuse me, Decorative Minerals, some of them are pretty unseemly.
long address
Dragons vs. Aliens VS. Tranquilty vs. Insanity
This was this mornings dialog as Christina lumbers up to me at the breakfast table, with sunken, distant eyes
Xian: It glows. It Glows!
Me: What? *giving her a look of something between confusion and mild concern...for the both of us*
Xian: The Rock! IT GLOWS! *At this she puts her hands out in front of her looking at the rock she's visualizing the rock in her hands* I didn't get any sleep last night because of her Stupid. Glowing. Rock!
Me: *laughter*
Let me catch you up to speed here, as Christina sits down to breakfast with me, ending the scene:
This weekend Christina got a new roommate- how, or why? *shrug* it was destiny- but this new roommate also came with a dragon egg sized, glow-in-the-dark orange/pink colored, geode looking rock - complete with light inside the center of it. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.
Yeah, it looks a lot like that - only when we first saw it, it was in a plastic bag and it was hard to make-out what it was. I finally settled on unfertilized alien egg (here's hopin'). But nope. It's a glowing rock. huh, fancy that. This is it glowing:
Anyone could mistake that for an alien egg, right? (Except for maybe the electrical cord leading from it...)
Supposedly it's supposed to bring you peace, and tranquility, and some other good thing, but it has to be lit at all times to get the full benefit of it. The only problem is that our dear Christina friend needs complete dark, untainted by glowing geodes, in order to have a fitless night of sleep.
Will Christina ever sleep again? Will she have the guts and cold heartedness to tell little Sara Kim to turn of her rock (seriously, this girl is little- I honestly believe she should legally still be using a booster seat - "It's for your own good Sara.") Or will Christna succumb to insanity?
Join us next week to see the suspenseful conclusion of ROCKS FROM SPACE SPACE space...
heh - I kinda want this one.
*sigh* doesn't this just take you back to the first Libba Bray book. Oh the realms- will I ever see you. I hope heaven is like it's depicted in What Dreams May Come - I'd totally pick a fantasy world for mine.
Who would have thought rocks could be SO much fun!
Xian: It glows. It Glows!
Me: What? *giving her a look of something between confusion and mild concern...for the both of us*
Xian: The Rock! IT GLOWS! *At this she puts her hands out in front of her looking at the rock she's visualizing the rock in her hands* I didn't get any sleep last night because of her Stupid. Glowing. Rock!
Me: *laughter*
Let me catch you up to speed here, as Christina sits down to breakfast with me, ending the scene:
This weekend Christina got a new roommate- how, or why? *shrug* it was destiny- but this new roommate also came with a dragon egg sized, glow-in-the-dark orange/pink colored, geode looking rock - complete with light inside the center of it. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.

Supposedly it's supposed to bring you peace, and tranquility, and some other good thing, but it has to be lit at all times to get the full benefit of it. The only problem is that our dear Christina friend needs complete dark, untainted by glowing geodes, in order to have a fitless night of sleep.
Will Christina ever sleep again? Will she have the guts and cold heartedness to tell little Sara Kim to turn of her rock (seriously, this girl is little- I honestly believe she should legally still be using a booster seat - "It's for your own good Sara.") Or will Christna succumb to insanity?
Join us next week to see the suspenseful conclusion of ROCKS FROM SPACE SPACE space...
heh - I kinda want this one.
Who would have thought rocks could be SO much fun!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Last night I saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It was easily one of the most awesome movies I've ever seen in my life. Everyone should go see it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cover your eyes. Greatness! It was also one of the cheapest dates Johnny's ever taken me on *woot woot for free coupons!* A spectacular, guilt free date. And the best part is that we didn't even argue once, we got to be the in love couple that everyone envy's again.
So, what else have I done this interim? I've actually had time to play nintendo! I will beet Twilight Princess before the month is over. I think I played about 4 hours worth of Nintendo this weekend- but it's ok, because my homework is done *well, almost* and tomorrow I'm going to get up a 6:15am to go work out in the big, brand new, environmentally hazardous gym we have now. I figure, if it's gunna keep me up at night with the lights shinning all in my room, I might as well make some use of it. I don't want to resent it or anything.
I'm also thinking about changing my room around. Maybe making one giant bed out of the 2 I have here - excpet I don't have any blankets big enough- and I'm kinda out of money seeing as Calvin can't perform a simple procedure like put a date under the category "term ends," rendering me without proper full time student verification, and without my scholarship money. JOY!
Tonight will be a good night though, assuming Johnny spends the night on campus. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, either watch a Mystery Science Theatre film in Aaron's room, which will be crowded and smell like boy, Or distract my boyfriend from his homework for about 2 hours- I'm debating between the two. or maybe I'll just sit in my room alone and watch Stardust again.
No matter, the point is that I'm utterly lost without Jillie. I tried making tea today and, nope, just didn't taste right without her being in the room with me.
You know what, maybe I'll finish my homework quick, put on more layers, and go for a quiet walk. The snow is perfect.
So, what else have I done this interim? I've actually had time to play nintendo! I will beet Twilight Princess before the month is over. I think I played about 4 hours worth of Nintendo this weekend- but it's ok, because my homework is done *well, almost* and tomorrow I'm going to get up a 6:15am to go work out in the big, brand new, environmentally hazardous gym we have now. I figure, if it's gunna keep me up at night with the lights shinning all in my room, I might as well make some use of it. I don't want to resent it or anything.
I'm also thinking about changing my room around. Maybe making one giant bed out of the 2 I have here - excpet I don't have any blankets big enough- and I'm kinda out of money seeing as Calvin can't perform a simple procedure like put a date under the category "term ends," rendering me without proper full time student verification, and without my scholarship money. JOY!
Tonight will be a good night though, assuming Johnny spends the night on campus. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, either watch a Mystery Science Theatre film in Aaron's room, which will be crowded and smell like boy, Or distract my boyfriend from his homework for about 2 hours- I'm debating between the two. or maybe I'll just sit in my room alone and watch Stardust again.
No matter, the point is that I'm utterly lost without Jillie. I tried making tea today and, nope, just didn't taste right without her being in the room with me.
You know what, maybe I'll finish my homework quick, put on more layers, and go for a quiet walk. The snow is perfect.
Friday, January 9, 2009
So much for a fun Friday night
So, tonight we're going to celebrate Johnny's birthday (which was actually on Monday the 5th), and we were going to go ice skating and then after that head over to Johnny's house for hot chocolate and snacks. Sounds like a fun plan, right? THEN WHY CAN NOTHING WORK OUT THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO!?!?!! Seriously, why do simple things always have to be made so complicated. It doesn't have to be like this. I just don't get why, when something goes wrong it has to be me and Johnny who get the full blow of it, always leading to a ridiculous fight. I don't get why he can't just chill out and let it happen how it's happening. uuuggghhh.
I understand that he gets stressed and everything sometimes, but I don't understand why he has to take it out on me, and why it has to be something that i've done wrong - and no he hasn't actually said that it's my fault, but the way he talks about how "wrong" everything is going, he might as well. I just wish we could go one day without us getting all worked up over nothing, and I wish he'd understand that sometimes I just don't want to talk about it.
Hopefully this night isn't too far gone and maybe we'll still be able to have fun.
I understand that he gets stressed and everything sometimes, but I don't understand why he has to take it out on me, and why it has to be something that i've done wrong - and no he hasn't actually said that it's my fault, but the way he talks about how "wrong" everything is going, he might as well. I just wish we could go one day without us getting all worked up over nothing, and I wish he'd understand that sometimes I just don't want to talk about it.
Hopefully this night isn't too far gone and maybe we'll still be able to have fun.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I actually have time to sit now that everyone's gone and can't help but think that relaxing is over-rated...
Hey Y'all
So, I'm typing to you today with 3 keys missing on my keyboard. Sandi decided that it would be neat to run across my laptop on the way to her ball that Alissa had just hurled across my room. So much for typing comfortably on my bed. There were more keys missing on it from Sandi peeling out on the keyboard, but Michael was able to fix them. Luckily I don't use the ";" or : very often, but I do use ' and " a lot, as well as ? and / - so this causes problems.
We had family Christmas finally yesterday, it was fun. The boys went out for hot wings at BW3s and the girls stayed at home for the annual Christmas tea - this is probably my favorite tradition, (after watching my family get shamelessly drunk at weddings.) This years tea theme was Praise and Prays. My praise was my new job, my unexpected grades, and February 29th. And my prayer request was to have focus on God, school and my future, and discernment for my future and everyday life, and, finally, that I could be a light among my friends - i think that's how i put it. So yeah, if you think of it, pray for me.
At the moment, I'm listening Kate Nash radio on Pandora (which is a glamorous mix of awesome) while shopping on-line. I got a gift card to AE, where I hardly shop anymore- but I was able to find something that I think I like.
We'll see though. It might end up being too low.
Not much else is happening now that everyone has gone home. I really miss playing all those board games with my sisters and their husbands. I've got to start packing for the long, snowy journey back home too, I mean Calvin. It's gunna be very surreal without Jillie there. Christina and I have already decided to spend at least one night at each others' dorm each week.
Oh shoot, jillie, btw - if ur reading this - I'm not ignoring your calls - I just hate talking on my cell phone b/c it buzzes - and I'm lazy - and I'm slightly worried that if i call it will be awkward and then we'll never talk again. So - I'd rather that we never try to talk so as not to risk the chance of never talking again. HAHA I'll call you tomorrow... maybe.
*sigh* i'm bored.
So, I'm typing to you today with 3 keys missing on my keyboard. Sandi decided that it would be neat to run across my laptop on the way to her ball that Alissa had just hurled across my room. So much for typing comfortably on my bed. There were more keys missing on it from Sandi peeling out on the keyboard, but Michael was able to fix them. Luckily I don't use the ";" or : very often, but I do use ' and " a lot, as well as ? and / - so this causes problems.
We had family Christmas finally yesterday, it was fun. The boys went out for hot wings at BW3s and the girls stayed at home for the annual Christmas tea - this is probably my favorite tradition, (after watching my family get shamelessly drunk at weddings.) This years tea theme was Praise and Prays. My praise was my new job, my unexpected grades, and February 29th. And my prayer request was to have focus on God, school and my future, and discernment for my future and everyday life, and, finally, that I could be a light among my friends - i think that's how i put it. So yeah, if you think of it, pray for me.
At the moment, I'm listening Kate Nash radio on Pandora (which is a glamorous mix of awesome) while shopping on-line. I got a gift card to AE, where I hardly shop anymore- but I was able to find something that I think I like.

We'll see though. It might end up being too low.
Not much else is happening now that everyone has gone home. I really miss playing all those board games with my sisters and their husbands. I've got to start packing for the long, snowy journey back home too, I mean Calvin. It's gunna be very surreal without Jillie there. Christina and I have already decided to spend at least one night at each others' dorm each week.
Oh shoot, jillie, btw - if ur reading this - I'm not ignoring your calls - I just hate talking on my cell phone b/c it buzzes - and I'm lazy - and I'm slightly worried that if i call it will be awkward and then we'll never talk again. So - I'd rather that we never try to talk so as not to risk the chance of never talking again. HAHA I'll call you tomorrow... maybe.
*sigh* i'm bored.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year?
I figured that "happy new year" was the title of a lot of things today and so i decided to add a question mark to mine. Original, right?
Today wasn't all that happy actually. I went to bed really early this morning, and then ended up waking up really early too (thanks to Danny's big head bent unnaturally close to mine- he doesn't really have a concept of acceptable times to annoy someone- 7 AM is not one of them, I took a swing at him, but his reflex's were far to fast for me at the time)- only to find my whole family (there are 11 of us in one house right now) all awake and lively. It was way to overwhelming for me, and I started to get overwhelmed and had to hold back tears at the breakfast table. My mom asked me a question and i kinda snapped at her - immedietly followed it with an apology, and she told me to go lie down again. The problem is that my temporary room, for this joyous time of overcrowding the house, is the living room, my bed - the couch. So, you see - i get to go to bed after everyone else has, and wake up when the first person does- which is either my mom or my grandma, or both, at about 7 AM. yay.
I did finally just go up to my room, where Jess and Todd are sleeping, and slept for 2 hours there. I felt a lot better after i got up - but I was still on edge - and of course, Danny made it his personal goal to push me over it. That boy just irks me - I don't even know what it is - is it possable to love and loathe someone at the same time? I don't know, but it's a fine line? I had to keep myself in check because I know I was just being mean.
I eventally had to go hide up in my room again after Jess and Todd left for their anniversary dinner, where I read for about an hour. While I was reading, I think I figured out what put me in such a bad mood. In all complete seriousness, I honestly believe that the ending to The Sweet Far Thing is what did this too me. I haven't felt ache and longing like this since Steve Burns left Blues Clues. COME BACK STEVE, COME BACK!
The moral of the story is that I should try not to get so attached to my books' chatacters.
HA! Impossible.
Today wasn't all that happy actually. I went to bed really early this morning, and then ended up waking up really early too (thanks to Danny's big head bent unnaturally close to mine- he doesn't really have a concept of acceptable times to annoy someone- 7 AM is not one of them, I took a swing at him, but his reflex's were far to fast for me at the time)- only to find my whole family (there are 11 of us in one house right now) all awake and lively. It was way to overwhelming for me, and I started to get overwhelmed and had to hold back tears at the breakfast table. My mom asked me a question and i kinda snapped at her - immedietly followed it with an apology, and she told me to go lie down again. The problem is that my temporary room, for this joyous time of overcrowding the house, is the living room, my bed - the couch. So, you see - i get to go to bed after everyone else has, and wake up when the first person does- which is either my mom or my grandma, or both, at about 7 AM. yay.
I did finally just go up to my room, where Jess and Todd are sleeping, and slept for 2 hours there. I felt a lot better after i got up - but I was still on edge - and of course, Danny made it his personal goal to push me over it. That boy just irks me - I don't even know what it is - is it possable to love and loathe someone at the same time? I don't know, but it's a fine line? I had to keep myself in check because I know I was just being mean.
I eventally had to go hide up in my room again after Jess and Todd left for their anniversary dinner, where I read for about an hour. While I was reading, I think I figured out what put me in such a bad mood. In all complete seriousness, I honestly believe that the ending to The Sweet Far Thing is what did this too me. I haven't felt ache and longing like this since Steve Burns left Blues Clues. COME BACK STEVE, COME BACK!
The moral of the story is that I should try not to get so attached to my books' chatacters.
HA! Impossible.
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