Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Indian Land

Today was alright - You'd think i'd be happier with Johnny here - it's just been a little out of pace with Aaron and Danny here too I guess - we normally have time to ourselves throughout the day, not the case this time.

We went to Indian Town today and I FINALLY got some Indian food - still wasn't as good as Johnny's moms - but I felt really insecure. Johnny took me into a store expecting me to all excited about the clothes in there - but instead I just got really nervous - I just wasn't sure how to act. I felt a little our of place - or more between the two places.

On a top note - I got to talk to Jillie today - and then make chocolate shakes while watching "The Gods Must Be Crazy 2." However, I quickly discovered that I was feeling overly sensitive and easily brought to tears when my dad pointed out a mistake I had made with the bank and then proceeded to get frustrated with me - rightfully so. So, I lost it after he went to bed and cried in the bathroom - FOR ONCE, I'd like Johnny to be able to come visit me without having to leave with a shirt shoulder full of boogers, tears, and mascara --> Part of me thinks he likes it though, not the booger part, but getting to be the one who holds me when I cry. I should write him a song about it - because no one else has ever thought to put that in a song before. ever.

ok... i'm going to bed now. If I was with you, I would like to first exchange forget-me-nots. but, such as life.


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