In the spirit of the coming Spring, I've decided to maybe try and blog again. Most of it will be menial stuff like :today i did this, and then Christina was all like, NAH, and so I was all like NEH, and then Jillie was like NU-AH. But for Spanish class I have to look up information again sexual images in movies, so maybe that can be my wholesome-doing-good-for-the-world contribution to the blog.
Jillie and I are going to go make soup b/c I had a dream about soup last night. SO we have to go to the grocery store to get vegetables, and then we're going to go out for lunch. I HOPE WE GO TO NOODLES AND COMPANY!!!
In the spirit of spending money - look what I want:

My mom said that it was too mauve - but that doesn't make since to me. It's under $30 dollars too, which to me has be a reasonable price lately.
Ok. off to the store, the grocery store.
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