Monday, August 24, 2009

Snippets *winks*

So, here are a few snippets of dialogue that have happened between me and someone else.

Sunday morning before church between me and Michael:
Me: "Sooo, on a scale of 1 to 11, how important is it for you and Alissa to match?"
Michael: "You mean like, clothes."
Me: "Yeah."
Mike: "Well, yeah, that's really important."
Me: "Why?"
Mike: "Because I hate it when Alissa and I go somewhere and another man matches her better than me. I get really jealous."
Me: "Really?!"
Michael: "Yeah. I never knew how jealous of a person I was until I met Alissa."

I felt like I stumbled onto something there. It was a nice happening.

This one was between me and my friend Abel:
Abel: "Hey, Doni, do you want me to read your tarot cards"
Me: "What? No!"
Abel: "Why not?"
Me: "Because it's not a good thing, and I'll have to stone you."
A: "What?"
M: "What if it invites Satan into your house?"
A: "It's ok, I have a dream catcher."

haha That one made me laugh, we clearly were not on the same page.

This is just something Abel said to me walking into a restaurant.
Abel: "Damm Girl! You're brown town!"

He noticed my tan.

Tune in again for more snippets of my life. I would like to do one a day.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm so unpopular that misery hasn't even invited me over...

So, i just got off the phone with Johnny, and I asked him what it's like to be miserable.

"What?" he asks.
"Well, yeah, I've never really been miserable before. Have you?"
"Yeah... you've made me miserable." he added in a quieter tone.
"I know." I breath back to him, "what's it like?"
After a sigh he tries to explain it to me. "It's like, you're standing still but everyone around you is still moving."

After I while I was able to understand that, between the lines, I think he was trying to say that what seemed to hurt the most was that everyone was either oblivious to his suffering, or that they didn't seem to care.

I just got back from watching (500) Days of Summer, and as I was driving home, I was realizing that I've never felt pain like that, never been so miserable that all I would do is lay in bed for 2 days eating twinkies and zoning in on my emotional wounds.

I've never been there. Have you?

I can only remember one time that I've been remotely close - I was so upset about the lecture that I was hearing that all I could do at the moment was cry and make heavy tears to the bark of the tree that I was leaning on. And honestly, in that situation I think I was just being a brat. I was being told "No." - and that''s the closest to miserable I've ever come; and for some reason, it makes me sad...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lists. 'Why' is not important.

Things I think I want at this moment:
-Wooden Wind Chime
-Nintendo Wii
-Rings and Ear rings
-an already bathed dog
-Johnny to stop and visit me on his way back from California (pshhh)
- the 10th Nana Manga
-the new Regina Spektor CD
-any Kate Nash CD

Things I need to do, have known that I needed to do for a while, but still have not done:
-Look for a job
-Fill out off-campus interim application
-order books
-pay my tuition
-study spanish
-get my hair cut
-figure out what to make for dinner tonight
-start organizing for packing

Things I have done:
-cleaned and rearranged my room
-started making a book
-rented La Moustache from the Library
-thought about smacking Danny in the back of the head

the end

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Something's missing...

Oh Yeah - My Teeth!!

I got my wisdom teeth pulled out today. you know, it wasn't that bad - the actual pulling them out of my head - the worse part was actually getting the shot that would make me not feel any pain. That hurt a lot. "A lot" is 2 words, not one. Other than that, the worst of it was the cracking noise.

I was shaking terribly though, and I think that i permanently stained the pits of my favorite white shirt b/c i was sweating so bad. (it says "bean town lover" on it, an unbirthday present from Jillie). The doctor kept having to remind me to breath, anyone could tell I was nervous.

In the end it was kinda sad to look over at the tray and just see my teeth sitting there, all sad, seperated, alone, (and bloodied). I wonder what they're going to do with them? Maybe they use them to make some one elses dentures? I should have put a tracking device on one of them. It might end up in some dumpster in Brazil. At least my tooth will get to see the world.

Johnny's here to baby and take care of me too! I'm kinda milking it- he's out running errands for me at the moment. :p He's been marvelous in all this though- It's amazing that he still wants to even look at me, no less kiss me- despite the fact that my face looks like I was a recent victim of a stroke. I just wish he'd stop trying to get me to talk to him, my mouth is stuffed with gauze, i look like a chipmunk, and it's difficult to keep myself from drooling as it is without having to open my mouth.

So yeah, not that bad, hardly painful, and once Johnny get's back with my prescription of Vicodin, well, I bet everything will be alright.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's been a while since I've written anything - but things are happening and so what better time to up-date than now.

First thing happening: My grandma is here! That's always been fun in the past - i think that some of my family might be waiting for a fun up-date with her as the topic - unfortunately, nothing really all that great has happened except we had all just gotten a cold when she came and now she has a terrible cough too! "Let's get grandma sick!" Oh JOY!!! - naturally, we feel awful.
My mom told me to make my grandma something to help relax her before bed - and though grandma seemed willing when i suggested a shot of brandy my mom decided that Tea might be a better choice. Buzz Kill.

Second thing happening: Johnny comes for a week long visit tomorrow! And those of you who are familiar with know how awfully fond of him I am. I have been working all summer on making a list of fun things to do when he gets here. They're saved in the drafts of my cell phone. However, there's just one that that's going to get in the way of our super fun week - which leads to ...

Happening #3: I'M GETTING MY WISDOM TEETH PULLED OUT!!! Ecstasy! This coming Tuesday. The best part is that they've decided to keep me awake and conscious for the whole tortuous process -the excitement is just whelming inside me. I'm tempted to borrow my brother's iphone and attempt to keep a live, running blog of the whole thing. Perhaps that will minimize the agony. I hated getting just a part of my mouth numbed when i got a filling last month - i'm imagining that a whole numbed mouth will have me in a pretty pissy attitude. There is one saving grace from all this wich is...

Happenin' thing #4: I went out late last night to the local Meijer to by Coraline; in 3D!! It came with 4, count 'em, 4 3D glasses! That's what I plan on doing while waiting for the feeling to come back in my face.

So, as you can see - many things least 4 anyways. I'll try to stay up-dated, hopefully they'll be something to tell.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

all gone

So Johnny left today - and Aaron too, but mostly Johnny. and I was fine until I was on the way back from the movie. I went and saw UP and so of course I'm feeling all sentimental and what not - and suddenly I get that really heavy but empty longing feeling in the pit of my stomach and couldn't wait until I got home so I could go up to my room and cry.

I live a spoiled life, and i hate not being able to have what I want and so it really sucks that Johnny isn't here - and that when he was here it wasn't like it normally is when he comes - we had to share a lot of attention with other people.

Like, i said, I was fine when he left - I usually cry for a while after he leaves, but it didn't happen this time - i just kinda- moved on with my day - so in a way, I'm almost relieved that I'm miserable now- and that's why humans are strange.

In other news - my new goal is to obtain a job a Teavana!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Indian Land

Today was alright - You'd think i'd be happier with Johnny here - it's just been a little out of pace with Aaron and Danny here too I guess - we normally have time to ourselves throughout the day, not the case this time.

We went to Indian Town today and I FINALLY got some Indian food - still wasn't as good as Johnny's moms - but I felt really insecure. Johnny took me into a store expecting me to all excited about the clothes in there - but instead I just got really nervous - I just wasn't sure how to act. I felt a little our of place - or more between the two places.

On a top note - I got to talk to Jillie today - and then make chocolate shakes while watching "The Gods Must Be Crazy 2." However, I quickly discovered that I was feeling overly sensitive and easily brought to tears when my dad pointed out a mistake I had made with the bank and then proceeded to get frustrated with me - rightfully so. So, I lost it after he went to bed and cried in the bathroom - FOR ONCE, I'd like Johnny to be able to come visit me without having to leave with a shirt shoulder full of boogers, tears, and mascara --> Part of me thinks he likes it though, not the booger part, but getting to be the one who holds me when I cry. I should write him a song about it - because no one else has ever thought to put that in a song before. ever.

ok... i'm going to bed now. If I was with you, I would like to first exchange forget-me-nots. but, such as life.
