Seriously, if you ever want to read The Sweet Far Thing, or any of the stories, then don't read this post. It will ruin it for you forever, but I just have to vent! So try and resist temptation. Some of it won't even be understood unless you've read the book.
Ok, so I love Libba Bray, but after this book I think that I shall be depressed for days. I mean, I guess I should have suspected a bitter-sweet ending, seeing as the whole serious is about women breaking free from what is expected from them. Still, nobody wants that! What's all this crap about him giving his life to save her- she went back for him in the first place. This Is Crap!
I DEMAND A NEW ENDING LIBBA BRAY!!!!!!!!!! I loved reading the stories, looking forward to the ending - and it took SO long to get there. I'll never be able to read them again with that excited feeling in my belly, not now that I know how it ends. I was in so much denial reading the ending that I didn't fully accept it until the last page- and then I just sat there alone in my room and cried. By the end of the book, no one is with someone they love. I think Ann ends up with the best life afterall. And the thing with Felicity -GOOD NIGHT! I guess you just can't get away from it anywhere.
ah well, that's enough venting for now.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Old friends
Today was pretty good. I got to hang out with my old HS friends, Bethany and Katie. I wasn't even at Bethany's house 15 minutes before she tried to tell me that I need to hang out with Tyler. ugh... she doesn't get it. She' tells me "It kinda sucks that we can't all hang out cuz yeah, Tyler's like, completely over you and has a girlfriend now and everything." as if that has anything to do with. She just can't seem to grasp that I can't STAND him! Whatever, i just smiled and nodded, said things like "oh, that's good."
Luckily Katie came not to long after. I'm always glad to see her. We ordered Chinese food, watched Stardust, and then went and got some ice cream. I used Marci coming in tonight as an excuse to leave.
I thought I was gunna get out of cleaning the house, but then my mom surprised me with getting to vacuum the house. I think the vacuum upset Sandi though because she threw up something chunky yellow. I decided to use the time it would take for the carpet to soak up the cleaner to type a bit.
I love Stardust, and I love being in love. I really wish there was another world I could be apart of too - like the little mermaid, only with more comfortable bra. Maybe that's why I'm so infatuated with other countries/cultures. It looks like the airport is about as close to finding a secret door to another world as I'm going to get. If anyone finds abother route though, let me know.
Luckily Katie came not to long after. I'm always glad to see her. We ordered Chinese food, watched Stardust, and then went and got some ice cream. I used Marci coming in tonight as an excuse to leave.
I thought I was gunna get out of cleaning the house, but then my mom surprised me with getting to vacuum the house. I think the vacuum upset Sandi though because she threw up something chunky yellow. I decided to use the time it would take for the carpet to soak up the cleaner to type a bit.
I love Stardust, and I love being in love. I really wish there was another world I could be apart of too - like the little mermaid, only with more comfortable bra. Maybe that's why I'm so infatuated with other countries/cultures. It looks like the airport is about as close to finding a secret door to another world as I'm going to get. If anyone finds abother route though, let me know.
Monday, December 29, 2008
My grandma has now moved on to harrassing Danny. ha HAA... he was playing guitar hero and my grandma asked him about 4 times what time he has to go to work.... he still has an hour before he has to start getting ready... after about 3 more "subtle" hints she finally demand "Turn It Off!"
I'm waiting for her to yell at me to get off my laptop *flinch*
~on an off note, I know that dinsey channel shows (as well as any T.V. show really) are really cheesy and over dramatized, but I bet they are SO much fun to make. In short - I'm dropping out of college to become a teen sensation on the Disney channel ...except I'm already 20. Crap!
I'm waiting for her to yell at me to get off my laptop *flinch*
~on an off note, I know that dinsey channel shows (as well as any T.V. show really) are really cheesy and over dramatized, but I bet they are SO much fun to make. In short - I'm dropping out of college to become a teen sensation on the Disney channel ...except I'm already 20. Crap!
*muffled scream*
My grandmother is going to drive me crazy! I accidently stayed up reading until 4AM last night, and at about 9 my grandma decided that I'd slept enough. *sigh* Here we go.
If you know of anyone who likes to tell you what you're doing wrong, or what you should be doing, by not actually saying it, but instead makes little comments like "at you're age you'd think you'd have more energy and wouldn't have to sleep so late." and then she'll make more comments on it late like "Oh, sitting again." Well, yeah - if you know anyone like that, my grandma probably taught them how to do it.
It's like she's afraid of the quiet. I was vacuuming and every time I'd turn it off to move something out of the way she'd have to tell me something real quick. Her selected story for the day was about how her Aunt was addicted to coke-cola, and went through withdrawal, and after recovery wouldn't let anyone have coke near the house. Intersting, but it's kinda hard to hear over the vacuum, so i'd have to turn it off and pretend I was moving something out of the way to hear her so she wouldn't get upset thinking that I wasn't listening to her.
She's talking to me right now actually as I'm typing. She's can't see, but I know she knows what I'm doing...she's like Daredevil. Or a T-Rex, as long as you don't move she can't see you.
At the moment she's telling me about how they tried to start yoga in the nursing home, but not many of them could do because every time they took a deep breath there was a collaborative coughing fit. Othewise the ladies were just falling asleep. I guess there was this exercise they had to do where they had to pretend to drive a car, and so they would sit at the edge of their chair and bounce while steering an imaginary car. HAHA i can just imagine all these old ladies bouncing around the place, some coughing, some jerking out of their sleep with a snore. HAHA!!!
I'm glad I typed this, I love my granmda again. It doesn't seem bad anymore, just funny.
If you know of anyone who likes to tell you what you're doing wrong, or what you should be doing, by not actually saying it, but instead makes little comments like "at you're age you'd think you'd have more energy and wouldn't have to sleep so late." and then she'll make more comments on it late like "Oh, sitting again." Well, yeah - if you know anyone like that, my grandma probably taught them how to do it.
It's like she's afraid of the quiet. I was vacuuming and every time I'd turn it off to move something out of the way she'd have to tell me something real quick. Her selected story for the day was about how her Aunt was addicted to coke-cola, and went through withdrawal, and after recovery wouldn't let anyone have coke near the house. Intersting, but it's kinda hard to hear over the vacuum, so i'd have to turn it off and pretend I was moving something out of the way to hear her so she wouldn't get upset thinking that I wasn't listening to her.
She's talking to me right now actually as I'm typing. She's can't see, but I know she knows what I'm doing...she's like Daredevil. Or a T-Rex, as long as you don't move she can't see you.
At the moment she's telling me about how they tried to start yoga in the nursing home, but not many of them could do because every time they took a deep breath there was a collaborative coughing fit. Othewise the ladies were just falling asleep. I guess there was this exercise they had to do where they had to pretend to drive a car, and so they would sit at the edge of their chair and bounce while steering an imaginary car. HAHA i can just imagine all these old ladies bouncing around the place, some coughing, some jerking out of their sleep with a snore. HAHA!!!
I'm glad I typed this, I love my granmda again. It doesn't seem bad anymore, just funny.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Oh, the holidays *sigh*
At this point in time I am sitting on my couch in the living room, paying half attention to "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" playing from the new dock i got for Christmas (Awesome!) While at the same time i'm listening to my grandma, whos sitting on the love seat to the left of me, go in and out of sleep. It's kinda funny actually because the book kinda wakes her up a bit whenever Reepicheep or Eustace start talking in their high pitched voices, and then her snore turns into a bit up a hum. This has been happening for the past ten minutes. Everyone left me here to go to work, or back home. I get to take care of Grandma...which, in all truthfullness, isn't really that bad. The only bad thing I guess is that I don't feel like I can leave, which I can't go anywhere anyways because my tire is flat, and maybe that if I try to watch T.V. she likes to start telling me a story.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting on my laptop, (not literally), nursing a head ache, trying to recover from some weird sickness I have - i think it's actually from sleeping too much, Either that or my kidney is going to burst... those two can get mixed up sometimes. Earlier, I was trying to eat, but wasn't feeling like I could stomach it, and my grandma wouldn't let me leave until I ate. She caught me feeding some of my eggs to Sandi and scolded me. I felt like I was a little kid again... Finally, thanks to my grandma's poor vision, i was able to feed most of my plate to my dog, and so I was finally able to leave.
Now, i'm waiting for my mom to call me back to see if i have a doctor's appointment, and feeling guilty because I told Kara I'd see her before she had to leave for the Navy again but I haven't had a good wedge of time to give her. I'm also hoping that my cousins will call me to do something tonight, that is if I'm not getting my kidney removed. I got a new cousin for Christmas too. My uncle victor's new wife brought her nephew back from Mexico. He's 17, and Awesome. He's also really cute and i have to keep reminding my other cousing Lissa that he's our Cousin, and she already has a boyfriend.....ewe - HAHA!
So, I got this AWESOME new hat for Christmas too, and it makes me look 30% cooler than I actually am. And my new boots do too- but i bought those for myself. I'm kind of a glutant. Anyways, the hat is from Aldo, and now I think I'm a high-roller cuz I have name brand products.
I think that I'll go read Jillie's blog now, and see if she put anything new up. either way, I shall leave a comment- and won't She be surprised to see that I started a blog of my own. And then I'm gunna go read more post by Libba Bray. She's so wonderful!
heh, this got kind of long.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting on my laptop, (not literally), nursing a head ache, trying to recover from some weird sickness I have - i think it's actually from sleeping too much, Either that or my kidney is going to burst... those two can get mixed up sometimes. Earlier, I was trying to eat, but wasn't feeling like I could stomach it, and my grandma wouldn't let me leave until I ate. She caught me feeding some of my eggs to Sandi and scolded me. I felt like I was a little kid again... Finally, thanks to my grandma's poor vision, i was able to feed most of my plate to my dog, and so I was finally able to leave.
Now, i'm waiting for my mom to call me back to see if i have a doctor's appointment, and feeling guilty because I told Kara I'd see her before she had to leave for the Navy again but I haven't had a good wedge of time to give her. I'm also hoping that my cousins will call me to do something tonight, that is if I'm not getting my kidney removed. I got a new cousin for Christmas too. My uncle victor's new wife brought her nephew back from Mexico. He's 17, and Awesome. He's also really cute and i have to keep reminding my other cousing Lissa that he's our Cousin, and she already has a boyfriend.....ewe - HAHA!
So, I got this AWESOME new hat for Christmas too, and it makes me look 30% cooler than I actually am. And my new boots do too- but i bought those for myself. I'm kind of a glutant. Anyways, the hat is from Aldo, and now I think I'm a high-roller cuz I have name brand products.
I think that I'll go read Jillie's blog now, and see if she put anything new up. either way, I shall leave a comment- and won't She be surprised to see that I started a blog of my own. And then I'm gunna go read more post by Libba Bray. She's so wonderful!
heh, this got kind of long.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
check, check.... is this thing on?
ok.... so, yeah....i made a blog. Why? For you, Jillie. It's all for you?
Jillie is going away, and I want to keep in touch with her. I figured this first month and a half of separation would be a good time to test this out.
Actually, what mostly made me want to start this is that I tried to post a comment on her blog, and then it wouldn't let me because I'm not a blogger myself. It's like some sort of sick elitist group, where only the chosen can enter. HA! I love reading. (The reason i say that is b/c the book I'm reading has an elite group, in which only the chosen can enter.)
Anyway, the whole purpose for this post is to test things let's see, what does this do?
And what about this...?
oh...that doesn't do anything.
But here's this
isn't that supposed to be blue or something? ugh...whatever.
ok well, good first run i guess. I'll try and get the rest of this down later.
Jillie is going away, and I want to keep in touch with her. I figured this first month and a half of separation would be a good time to test this out.
Actually, what mostly made me want to start this is that I tried to post a comment on her blog, and then it wouldn't let me because I'm not a blogger myself. It's like some sort of sick elitist group, where only the chosen can enter. HA! I love reading. (The reason i say that is b/c the book I'm reading has an elite group, in which only the chosen can enter.)
Anyway, the whole purpose for this post is to test things let's see, what does this do?
And what about this...?
oh...that doesn't do anything.
But here's this
isn't that supposed to be blue or something? ugh...whatever.
ok well, good first run i guess. I'll try and get the rest of this down later.
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